2025 Sponsors


We are an all volunteer organization.
Your help during the weekends helps everything move smoothly. If we had to hire people to do all of the work our volunteers do, your passes would go up in price substantially. No one is paid. All our funds are spent in the service of the event and your help is an essential part of keeping the cost reasonable. We really do need you. And it's a great way to meet other people if you are new to the event. All of the tasks (with just a few exceptions) are designed to only take 30 minutes and then you're back in your sling. Please do take a moment to look over the various tasks and if you have any questions please send them to volunteers@ffitevents.org.

Thanks in advance and see you all soon!

Don't forget to sign up for your shirt size on the bottom of the sign up page.

Incentives for Helping Out

One (1) Free
Raffle Ticket

for a chance to win gifts and prizes on Saturday night

One (1) Free T-Shirt
(t-shirt colors vary)

One (1) Free ticket for a Weekend package drawing

Get a chance to win one (1) free pass to a future Weekend AND a room held at Parliament Resort. Both valid for up to one (1) year.

Volunteer Duties

Below is some information about volunteer duties.